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Education Modern Republic



An individual citizen may be born with raw talent, but it is only through education that a person’s potential and capacity are transformed into accomplishments. The summation of the achievements and prosperity of citizens is what constitutes the achievements and prosperity of a nation, and education is the foundation of that success. An educated citizenry is a necessity for a republic and investing in it is crucial. A sustainable republic depends on the good judgment and active participation of its citizens who are responsible for selecting, advising, and serving as elected representatives. Because of this, the United States must provide quality foundational primary and secondary education for all of its citizens.  


Beyond the necessary foundational education, America is a place where higher education is widely available and expands opportunities for those who are striving to achieve the American dream. Guiding students to the right institution with the right funding and setting them on the right path toward fulfilling their career goals should be a collaborative effort among students, parents, institutions, and employers.


Primary and Secondary (K-12) Education:  Elementary, Middle, and High Schools


Research indicates that Primary and Secondary schools do not sufficiently prepare students, through the development of foundational knowledge and skills, to obtain self-supporting employment or to continue on to postsecondary institutions. It is important to determine individual learning needs, develop Individualized Educational Programs (IEP), evaluate the results, and adjust for improvement.


Postsecondary (Higher) Education:  Vocational Institutions, Colleges, and Universities


After secondary education, individuals have multiple career path options.  Many career paths benefit from or require targeted training, certification, or degrees through vocational institutions, colleges, or universities. For those who choose to pursue postsecondary education, there must continue to be public and private payment options and resources so that individuals can determine which methods will best meet their educational funding needs without their accumulating excessive debt. Beyond the issue of funding, an obstacle that people face during the process of choosing a postsecondary educational path is inaccurate messaging. It is often stated that in order for a person to be considered successful it is necessary to attend a college or university and to obtain a degree when, in fact, a person can be successful and benefit equally or more by following vocational training and educational paths.


It is important for students to identify career paths so that they can prepare to meet the needs of employers or to become employers themselves. Once they identify a career path, they need to choose the corresponding institution and field of study to help them achieve their personal career goals. Selecting the correct institution is critical because each type of institution (vocational, college, or university) provides further education for different career paths; each institution has departments that focus on specific fields of study; and each field of study has individuals specialties.




Obtaining a high-quality foundational education is critical to achieving prosperity as a productive member of society, who has good judgment, and who is an active citizen of this republic. Moreover, due to the substantial value of postsecondary education for increasing employment opportunities, it is important to consider it as the option. Because of the high cost of education, it is necessary to carefully choose a career and educational path that will be the most valuable. Education is so valuable to individuals and to the nation that citizens must make it a high priority and to invest in it for the future.




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